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The Lord has risen indeed!

April 5, 2021

Dear friends,

First of all – there’s Bible Study this Wednesday at 10am as usual, but there’ll be no Wednesday service this week. Wednesday evening services will resume next Wednesday (April 14 at 7pm).

Then, many thanks to everyone who worked to make Holy Week and Easter so rich and beautiful this year! From the flowers to the music to the food to everyone joining together in worship of our Lord and Savior, I am exceedingly grateful for the blessings that God has given his Church in the gifts that you all share with one another!

Lastly, there are some traditional Scripture readings for the first part of the week following Easter. Have a look and continue to marvel at the profound joy of the Resurrection!

Monday: Luke 24:13-35
Tuesday: Luke 24:36-49
Wednesday: John 21:1-14

God bless and keep you,

Pr. Buchs